In the News

Blog on, babes!

And a lot of times, we tell you to let it all out…in a journal. It might just be time to bid Dear Diary buh-bye and boot up journal-writing 2.0—on the Net.


A new study shows that while writing is old-fashioned journals is therapeutic, teens today find greater emotional relief when they vent online in blogs and allow others to comment. The New York Times details the researchers’ methodology here, but the gist is that a group of psychologists split a bunch of angsty teens (mostly girls) into groups. One group blogged but didn’t open posts to comments, another group blogged and allowed comments and a third kept diaries or did nothing at all. The psychologists discovered, after studying the blog posts, that those who opened their posts to comments experienced the greatest improvement in their outlook. And, surprisingly, almost of the comments the participants received were positive, sympathetic and constructive.


The researchers suggest that being able to take comfort in a community rather than venting to a page that doesn’t talk back is what makes blogs so effective. So get out there and get blogging, babe! Just don’t post anything you really don’t want anyone else to read…and that includes personal info like your full name, birth date and location.


Do you blog, babes?


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016