In the News

Fair warning: Starting a food fight could get ya arrested

Food fights kind of seem like the pinnacle of the cliché school experience, right? There you are, eating your PB&J and minding your own business when a spoonful of mashed potatoes goes flying past your head. Seconds later, you’re ducking for cover as the cafeteria descends into food-flinging chaos.

Well, before you chuck that corn muffin at your frenemy, you might wanna take note of a real-life food fight that got quite a few teens arrested. Yes, you read that right—at least nine students were arrested last Friday after they allegedly incited a food fight at their high school in Georgia. Apparently the fight caused damage to the cafeteria and injured a student. Oops?

As of today, five of the students are being charged as adults with disruption of a public school. The others—all minors—were released to their not-so-happy parents. Speaking of the ‘rents, several moms and dads have come forward saying that while they believe their little rioters should be punished (suspension, anyone?), arresting them goes a wee bit too far. We tend to agree. What do you think? Tell us in the comments!

And now…our three favorite food fights on the big screen (because I guess we're all gonna have to live vicariously):

Whip It (see 0:22)


It Takes Two


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016