Rad Reads
Book Club: Caddie Woodlawn

Adventurous, courageous and spirited, Caddie Woodlawn is not your typical pioneer daughter. Instead of spending time indoors learning to sew and cook like most girls, Caddie prefers to roam the wild Wisconsin frontier with her two brothers, Tom and Warren. She’s a tomboy, and her mischievous, inquisitive personality often leads her into unusual (and dangerous!) adventures. But through it all, Caddie manages to win over friends everywhere, from Indian John and the Native Americans to Katie Hyman and the Harkinson children.
Winner of the Newbury Medal, Caddie Woodlawn is a great read for girls who love strong, independent female characters. So what did you think of this book? Is it a genuine classic? Let me know!
Which one of Caddie’s adventures did you enjoy the most?
I definitely loved when Caddie went to warn Indian John and his tribe that some of the white settlers wanted to attack them. It was pretty brave of her to take off into the woods on a horse all by herself. She’s just the type of friend I’d love to have.
Would you have liked to be a pioneer?
I’m not sure. I love animals, especially horses, so living on a farm would have been awesome. But walking miles to school everyday? And living far away from my friends? That’d be rough!
Who are you more like, Caddie or Clara?
I think I am a little bit of both. I love being outside like Caddie, but I’m not quite as daring and brave as she is. I’m a little quieter and calmer, more like Clara.
What did you think of the Woodlawns’ decision to stay in Wisconsin and not move to England?
In my opinion, they definitely made the right choice. Palaces and riches might sound nice at first, but the Woodlawns made such a nice life for themselves in Wisconsin. I especially liked Mr. Woodlawn’s philosophy that people must earn what they have, instead of just having it handed to them.
Would you recommend this book to your friends? Is it a real classic?
I would absolutely recommend that all girls read this book because Caddie is girl that we can all relate to. That is what makes it a classic. Whether or not we admire her for her wild spirit or we imitate her crazy adventures, Caddie is a great character who is a perfect representation of female strength. You gotta love her for that!
Next up:
Week 4 (10/19-10/25): Jacob, Have I Loved, by Katherine Patterson
Week 5 (10/26-11/1): Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh