
Growing pains: How to tell if you and your guy are on the same page

I grew up a lot this summer and I don’t think I still want to be with my guy from when school ended. How do I know if he wants to get back together or if he's on the same page? 

His answer:

“The only way to know for sure is to talk to him and don’t go through anyone else. If you ask a friend to ask him, that friend might miscommunicate how you feel—and that might be awkward later on.” – Sebastian, 16


Even though it might seem easier to figure out if he’s on the same page as you by asking someone else, it’ll be better in the long run if you just talk to him yourself. Remember: The relationship he had was with you, not your friend. He might feel shy if someone else talks to him about his private feelings for you, and won’t open up the way he should. You want to know exactly where he is so that you can both start the school year sure of where your relationship stands.

Your Move:

Honesty is the best policy. Even if you did some growing up this summer, chances are that you and your guy are still in touch. Reach out to him nicely and let him know you need to talk. Forget doing it via text because feelings can get miscommunicated there, too, and instead opt to do it in person. It’s better to do things face to face (maybe go to your local park or invite him to have some ice cream) so that you can have a good conversation about how you really feel.


by Andrea Rizkallah | 2/1/2016