
How to keep up a phone convo your crush

I never know what to talk about when talking to my crush on the phone! I've tried to talk about things we have in common, but it always ends in an awkward silence. Any ideas?


Hey babe, sometimes it is tough to talk to guys on the phone. There are very few who know how to keep up a good convo, which puts a lot of strain on us girls. So, one thing you can try is to only call your crush when you know there’ll be something for you two to chat about. Did he just get back from a trip to the beach with his fam? Ask him how it went. Or maybe you’ve been saving up and finally got yourself a sweet longboard. So describe it to him, and see if he wants to come over and check it out sometime.


The trick is not to call your cutie all the time. If you’re checking up on him too often, of course you’re gonna run out of things to talk about. Leave a few days in between so that even if he’s being a bum this summer, you can still give him the deets on all the excitement that you’ve got going on. And don’t be afraid of talking too much – tell him what’s happening in your life because you never know what topic is gonna spark his interest, or maybe give you an idea of a question to ask him.


If you’re just dying to call your guy, but it hasn’t been that long since you last talked, that’s okay, too. Remember that not every phone call has to be super-lengthy. So check in with him, but have an excuse ready so you can hop off the phone before the silence sets in. That way, you’ve reminded him that you exist, and you can leave some topics for the next time you wanna hear his cute voice.

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by Carrie Ruppert | 2/1/2016