Mountains of Mud Pies

Yummy treats to make for the kids and you! Always make sure you ask the
‘rents for permission first before using their kitchen and to clean up
the mess afterwards.
Mountains of Mud Pies
1 pint each: vanilla ice cream, caramel ice cream, and chocolate ice cream
7 to 8 whole graham crackers, OR 20 to 25 gingersnaps, OR 15 to 20 chocolate-cream sandwich cookies
2 (1-gallon) plastic zipper-lock bags
4 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
Whipped cream topping
Fudge ice cream topping
-Take ice cream out of freezer to soften.
-Place graham crackers or cookies in a zipper-lock bag. Close bag, then place it in a second zipper-lock bag. Secure tightly.
-Crush graham crackers or cookies with a rolling pin or rubber mallet. Have the little tots go to town.
-Empty crumbs into a medium-sized bowl, and stir in melted butter or margarine.
-Press an equal amount or crumbs in each of 4 mini pie pans, or press all of the crumbs into one 9-inch pie pan.
-Chill in freezer for about 15 minutes. Remove from freezer.
-Scoop the softened vanilla ice cream into pans first. Top with the caramel ice cream, then top with the chocolate ice cream. Make sure to smooth the ice cream between each layer. This is your “mud.”
-Top it off with whipped cream and a drizzle of fudge ice cream topping.
-Sprinkle with chopped nuts, or the kids fave treats. These are your “pebbles.”
-Chill mud pies in freezer 1 hour or longer before serving.
What You'll Need: Makes 6 to 8 servings
1 pint each: vanilla ice cream, caramel ice cream, and chocolate ice cream
7 to 8 whole graham crackers, OR 20 to 25 gingersnaps, OR 15 to 20 chocolate-cream sandwich cookies
2 (1-gallon) plastic zipper-lock bags
4 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
Whipped cream topping
Fudge ice cream topping
1/2 cup chopped pecans, almonds or walnuts (optional)
What You'll Do:
-Take ice cream out of freezer to soften.
-Place graham crackers or cookies in a zipper-lock bag. Close bag, then place it in a second zipper-lock bag. Secure tightly.
-Crush graham crackers or cookies with a rolling pin or rubber mallet. Have the little tots go to town.
-Empty crumbs into a medium-sized bowl, and stir in melted butter or margarine.
-Press an equal amount or crumbs in each of 4 mini pie pans, or press all of the crumbs into one 9-inch pie pan.
-Chill in freezer for about 15 minutes. Remove from freezer.
-Scoop the softened vanilla ice cream into pans first. Top with the caramel ice cream, then top with the chocolate ice cream. Make sure to smooth the ice cream between each layer. This is your “mud.”
-Top it off with whipped cream and a drizzle of fudge ice cream topping.
-Sprinkle with chopped nuts, or the kids fave treats. These are your “pebbles.”
-Chill mud pies in freezer 1 hour or longer before serving.
Take a bite of your mountain-high mud pie!
Credits: From Batter Up Kids: Delicious Desserts and
Batter Up Kids: Sensational Snacks by Barbara Beery. Reprinted with
permission of Gibbs Smith, Publisher.