Eat Right

The crazy reason you should be eating breakfast every day


You’ve probably heard a million times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what exactly makes it so important? Sure, it’s the worst when you’re sitting in math and your stomach won’t stop growling because you skipped your morning oatmeal. But there are other important health reasons besides afternoon hunger that will make you never wanna forget to chow down first thing in the a.m.––check 'em out below.

It jump starts your metabolism.

Just like the rest of your body, your metabolism needs to wake up, too. Eating breakfast will trigger your natural hunger ebbs-and-flows throughout the day. This way, you’ll feel hungrier for lunch, and your hunger will stay in check throughout the day. That means you won’t feel urged to snack late at night to make up what you missed.

It stops the snacking.

Have you ever skipped breakfast and went a little cray cray on the sugary snacks for the rest of the day? That’s because eating breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar for the day, which will keep you from reaching for the candy and cookies mid-day. If you don’t believe us, try it out for yourself. We doubt you’ll get a sweet tooth craving after school if you eat a hearty morning meal.


It’s a great way to get all the nutrients you need to take on your day.

Your morning meal should be a combination of lean protein and filling fiber. Try scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast, or plain oatmeal with fruit and nuts. Don't like eggs? Find another lean protein instead like ground turkey.

You’ll have way more energy.

Food = fuel. Plain and simple. If you start your day with no fuel, you’ll burn out—and fast. Eating a well rounded breakfast will work wonders on your energy and concentration levels, which will help ya both in soccer practice and chem class. 

How do you plan to incorporate these tips into your life? Share in the comments below.  


by Brittany Goers | 2/1/2016