
Nix spring try-out jitters

Spring try-outs are comin’ up fast—and you’re freaking out! Get ready to get your game on with a few quick tips from Girls Gone Sporty founder Laura Williams. Buh-bye, butterflies!


Be proud!

Laura says that even though it might not work out the way you want it to, you’ll feel oh-so proud of yourself for trying something new. After all, what’ve you got to lose?


No regrets

Do you really want to sit out all season when ya could’ve given try-outs your all and made the team? Of course not! “Remember,” says Laura, “you’re more likely to regret the things you don’t try than the things you do.” So go for it, sistah!


Talk it out

See if you can talk to the coach and get a few pointers before trying out,” Laura advises. “Then try practicing on your own in the weeks leading up to tryouts.” Got a friend who’s already on the team, or an older sib who’s a super jock? Ask ‘em to practice with you. There’s no harm in seeking help, so when they offer up pointers, be grateful and learn as much as you can.


It’s OK to be nervous

Laura says it’s totally normal to be a tad bit jittery before try-outs. In fact, those butterflies in your stomach can even help ya perform better. If your nerves get out of control, though, learning a few relaxation techniques—like meditation, deep breathing and taking a mental vacay—can calm you down when it matters most.


Spill! What’s your secret to acing tryouts, sweeties?


by GL | 2/1/2016