Your Bod

I have stubby hair on my bod

How can you make the hair on your body feel less stubby and sharp?

Stubby hair is such a pain after shaving—especially in the winter, when the cold air makes those hairs stick up on your legs. Unfortunately, a good shave doesn’t last forever, and until you shave again, the hair will be a bit sharp.

Of course, if you wait a few more days, the hair will grow out and get less sharp. If you don’t need to wear shorts for gym, and no one’s seein’ your legs for awhile, you can try shaving less frequently, and grow the hair out past the sharp stage.

Otherwise, try looking for shave gels and lotions that are designed to help you shave less frequently, and keep your legs warm so that the hair doesn’t stick up. Also, make sure you’re changing your razor blade frequently or changing disposable razors so that you’re always using a sharp blade that’ll give you a close shave and be less likely to nick ya.

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by Lindsey Silken | 2/1/2016