Your Bod

Solve my "down there" itchy sitch

I always seem to be itchy “down there.” I don’t wanna tell my mom because she won’t do anything about it, and I’m also really embarrassed. How can I get rid of it?

Feelin’ itchy down there is common, girlie, so calm down and leave your embarrassment at the door.

What could it be?
There are a number of things that could be making your private area itchy. If you wear panty liners regularly or pads during your period, they might be rubbin’ ya the wrong way. If they’re the culprit, simply switch to tampons or leave ‘em in the box and wait for your skin to return to normal.

Do you shave down there? If so, ingrown hairs or the simple sensation of hair growing back might be the thing that’s driving ya crazy. Other irritants—like the soap or feminine hygiene products you might be using to stay clean down there—could be contributing to the sitch, to. Stick to warm—not hot—water only and see if that helps.

It could also be an infection. I would highly recommend visiting—or at the very least, calling—your doctor for a diagnosis if that’s the case, but there are several over-the-counter creams, cleansers and ointments that could clear it up.

What can you do right now?
There are a few things you can do now to try to relieve the itching. If you wear thongs or undies made of unnatural fibers, try switching to comfy all-cotton panties. If you douche, stop. If you wash with soap down there or have a thing for bubbles in your bath, stick to plain ol’ water for now. If you wear really tight jeans or leggings all the time, switch it up with looser pants or skirts. And if you’re having trouble with shaving your nether region, soothe away the red, itchy mess area with an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.

Reconsider a chat with Mom
Really, though, you should mention your prob to Mom. Chances are she’s dealt with the same situation a couple of times. Be direct: Sit down with her when you can talk one-on-one and say, “Mom, this is embarrassing, but I have a problem. I’m really itchy down there and I think I might need to go to see a doctor.” She’ll understand; Mama was a teen once, too

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016