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This personality quiz is seriously *scary* accurate

Personality quizzes are one of the most interesting ways to learn more about yourself. I myself have taken dozens, and I've found that in my experience, none have been quite as accurate as the Enneagram test.
"Ennea" means "nine" in Greek, and as such, the Enneagram breaks down human nature into nine different personality types laid out in a circular diagram. The exact origins of the diagram are unclear, and many different ancient traditions and classical influences may have contributed to its creation. A culmination of centuries of research and thought, the modern enneagram system was most recently introduced in the early 20th century, and psychiatrists, researchers, and philosophers are still studying and adding on to the system today.
The nine personality types are distinguished by a core belief about the way the world works. Branching off of this belief are emotions, actions, and reactions that come together to form your unique Enneagram type. These are the nine types (different websites may use different terminology and different adjectives for each type):
1—The Perfectionist: rational, idealistic, focused, value order and perfectionism
2—The Helper: caring, generous, people-pleasing, interpersonal, value being liked and taking care of others
3—The Achiever: image-conscious, driven, value being successful
4—The Individualist: sensitive, withdrawn, expressive, value deep emotions
5—The Investigator: observant, perceptive, intense, innovative, value data and information
6—The Guardian/Skeptic: suspicious, loyal, responsible, value safety and security
7—The Dreamer: spontaneous, scattered, enthusiastic, value fun and adventure
8—The Challenger: powerful, confident, confrontational, firm in their beliefs, value dominance
9—The Peacemaker: agreeable, easygoing, complacent, go with the flow, value peace

In addition to the main nine types, there are also "wings" that can give even more insight into your true nature. The "wing" is the type on either side of your main type that you more closely align with. For instance, the types on either side of 1/The Perfectionist are 2/The Helper and 9/The Peacemaker. Someone whose main personality type is 1, but more closely aligns with 2 than 9 would have the type 1w2 (with the "w" standing for "wing"). 1w2 is also known as the Activist—the perfectionistic qualities of 1 mesh with the generous, caring tendencies of 2 to create an individual who is passionate about social change. The results of your Enneagram test should reveal not only your main type, but also how closely you align with the other types so that you can figure out your wing.
Now that you know all about the Enneagram, are you ready to take the quiz and find out what your type is? We love this one from Truity, but all you have to do is Google "enneagram quiz" to find tons more online. There are also numerous books and websites dedicated to further explaining all nine types so you can go more in-depth and really explore.
My experience with the Enneagram was totally eye-opening. I had never found a personality test that nailed down my tendencies as accurately as this one did, and it really forced me to think about the way I view the world. I happen to have the What's My Type book that explains the types in-depth, so after I took the quiz on Truity, I read the chapters about my type, 1w2, and I was blown away. I agreed with almost every single statement the book made about my personality, and I realized that the statements that I hesitated on were also true, I just wasn't ready to admit that yet. I got my whole family to take the quiz after me, and I would advise that everyone try this at least once! You might be totally amazed by how well the Enneagram system captures you and your tendencies.


by Maya Valmon | 12/28/2020