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The best New Year’s Resolutions for self-love and self-care

2020 has been a difficult year, and one that’s given us *a lot* of time with ourselves. We’ve learned a thing or two about the importance of self-love and self-care, and as 2021 approaches, now is a great time to start thinking about what changes you can make to ensure you’re really being kind to yourself. 

This New Year, don't forget to make yourself a priority. Here are some of our *best* resolutions:

✳︎ Medidate once a day ✳︎

Meditation is a great way to start your day. It gives you skills to practice self-awareness, stress management and patience that ground you into the present moment. You can start by using meditation apps (like Headspace or Calm) and following YouTube or Spotify meditations. 
To hold yourself accountable, meditate for 5-10 minutes every morning before you scroll through social media, and journal afterwards to process your thoughts. Managing your mindset requires consistency!

✳︎ Do one thing outside of your comfort zone every day ✳︎

Getting outside of your comfort zone is the best way to increase confidence and self-esteem. Taking risks makes you feel braver and more comfortable with things not being in your control. Strike up a conversation with a stranger, audition for the play, or say yes to everything for a day—once you realize you got through it and you are just fine, you won’t be so afraid of failure.

✳︎ Start a habit tracker ✳︎

Using a chart, app or journal to set and keep track of your habits can help ensure you are taking the necessary steps to feel your best mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can read more about habit trackers and their benefits here!

✳︎ Nourish your body with what feels right ✳︎

Ask yourself, “What is my body really asking for? What does my body need?” It’s important to recognize and honor what we need to feel energized and our best selves. If you can’t seem to focus, honor how you feel and take a break by going for a walk. If you’re feeling sluggish, your body might be telling you it's dehydrated. Your body and mind are what makes you, you—care for them.

✳︎ Live to be present ✳︎

If you have a lot going on in your life, you’re probably always thinking about what you just did or what you need to do next. As you jump from task to task on your to-do list, it can be easy to get swept up in the rush of life and forget to take a second to think about how you feel in the present moment. Increasing your mindfulness will not only help you do a better job on the task at hand, but also help you appreciate all the little nuances of life, keep anxiety at bay and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

✳︎ Write down one thing you’re proud of yourself for each day ✳︎

Societal pressures and comparisons can often make us feel like we are not doing enough, and it’s important to have a moment at the end of each day to really focus on yourself and reflect on your accomplishments. Whether you’re proud of yourself for reaching out to a friend, completing an assignment on time, or simply getting out of bed that morning, you should *always* have positive things you can remind yourself of.

✳︎ Make time for the people you love and value ✳︎

Surrounding yourself with people who inspire, uplift and love you can set you up to have your best year yet. Spending quality time with your friends and family is essential—and it’s something most of us don’t do enough. It’s important to make an effort to spend quality time with your friends and family—something we might not do enough of with everything going on in life.

✳︎ Start a gratitude journal ✳︎

Gratitude journals promote self-awareness and appreciation for the world around you. It can be *so* easy to go through everyday without pausing in the present moment. Take time everyday to write down what you’re grateful for. If you’re ever feeling lonely or down, make a list of all of the people in your life that you have gratitude for—it makes all the difference.

✳︎ Do one thing for yourself every day ✳︎

It’s *so* important to do at least one thing for yourself everyday—just because you can! Appreciate your body, mind and self by asking, “What can I do for myself today?” Schedule out time to move your body (like a walk or run), take a nap, read your fave book or watch an episode of your fave Netflix show. This isn’t being selfish—it’s taking care of yourself, and you’ll be thankful for it. 

✳︎ Give yourself grace ✳︎

Get in the habit of giving yourself grace—it’s okay to make mistakes. Being human means you’re going to make mistakes, and every moment in our lives has brought us where we are today. Every experience—good or bad—is a moment to learn, grow and become a better version of ourselves. Strive for grace, not perfection—it’s all about your mindset, and self-compassion is key.

What New Year’s Resolutions are you going to try this year? Let us know on Twitter @girlslifemag!

All GIFs via Giphy

by Allie Lijewski and Maya Valmon | 12/29/2020