So your bestie's going through a breakup? 8 ways to help her forget him

If she’s crying…put on a tearjerker movie (ahem, anything adapted from Nicholas Sparks works a treat) and give her a good reason to get it all out.
If she won’t stop talking about him…give her a deadline to get it all out. She has three more name drops today or 10 more “why oh why did we break up” seshes before you cut her off.
If she can’t forget all the sweet stuff he did for her…counterbalance with all the awful stuff he’s done. Then change the subject.
If she’s angry…whack her over the head with a pillow. Or drag her bum to a kick-boxing class.
If she refuses to go anywhere…bring the party to here. Hello, massive sleepover with all your closest friends.
If she’s down on herself…make her feel good by doing stuff she kicks butt at. And remind her constantly about all the fab things she is capable of.
If she’s not moving on…plan a double date or group date outing, just to get her out there.
If she’s still all “woe is me”…change her mindset by planning something awesome to look forward to, like a girl’s night on the town. And encourage her to help!
How do you help you friend get past an ex? Tell us in the comments!
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POSTED IN good friend, how can I help my friend, dealing with a breakup, how to move on