How to be a friend to every single person you know

When someone needs help, whether it’s baking cupcakes for a fundraiser or a shoulder to cry on, be the first one in line. They’ll remember that you were there in a time of need, and they’ll be happy to repay the favor. Bonus? It’ll give them one-on-one time to see who you are as a person.
Speak the truth
Forget sugar-coating things or offering up the compliments you know people want to hear. Yeah, it’s nice to get a dose of goodness, but wouldn’t you rather know that your boyfriend is a jerk when you aren’t around or that your dress makes you look like a grapefruit? Yup, we thought so. Just, you know, be tactful.
Never ignore your oldies
You don’t want to be known as the darlin’ who ditches her buds the second a new crew comes calling. And you certainly wouldn’t want to be ditched. Trust us, you can keep up with all your social circles without skimping on quality time.
Have a smile for everyone
From bullies to shy guys to teachers to the kids nobody else seems to like—it’s time to share that sweet grin. A simple “Hi, how are you?” is just a nice thing to say. And if you’re in a hurry, a quick wave will do. Everyone wants to be acknowledged, and even if you haven’t spent time together, you’ll quickly be known as the gal who is nice to everyone. You’ll be the one they want to talk to during an assembly or help out with a project. And they’ll smile back—always nice.
What’s your true-blue tip for being a stellar friend to everyone you know? Tell us in the comments!
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+ Be a friend to every single person you know
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POSTED IN good friend, how can I make new friends, how to make friends at a new school