
Is your friend too invested in your love life?


You love your BFF. She has helped you all your life with crushes and boyfriends, but now that you've finally achieved GF status, she can’t seem to stop butting into your love life. And even though you know all she’s trying do is help, sometimes she comes off a little too strong and all you want to do is tell her to BACK OFF in a nice way. But how do you tell her how you feel without hurting her feelings? Here's how to get her to lay off (minus all the drama). 

Her: “I don’t think he’s right for you. He doesn’t even know what you like and don’t like.”

Okay, you get it. You know your best friend knows you like the back of her hand, but the purpose of a relationship is to get know each other together. If you started breaking up with boys because they don’t know you, how do you expect to find another? Boys don’t know you like your best friends do, it takes them time, a long time to find out who you are as a person. You have to let your friend know that you and your BF are just getting to know each other.

You: “We are getting to know each other and I think this is the perfect time to find out if he’s Mr. Right.”

Her: “My cousin would be perfect for you. He’s just your type and we can be related.”

You saw your best friend’s cousin and he is most certainly not your type. Now that you have a boyfriend, you BFF can’t hook you up with anybody she sees fit. One you’re a one boy kind of girl and yes it would be nice to be related to her but you don’t want to change yourself just so you can call each other family. It’s not fair to everybody else in the situation.

You: “First, I have a boyfriend and second I already consider you my family so what’s the point of getting with your cousin.”

Her: “I don’t like him. I just don’t and if I see something up, then I will personally destroy him.”

When did you best friend become the ultimate villain in your school? Your friend is always there for you and she will always have your back but she has got to calm down. Not only did she say she didn’t like him, but she doesn’t give you a reason why. Yes, this might come in handy for if you find out he’s a jerk and you hate him too, but as of now her opinion might hurt you and your boyfriend’s relationship. One day, she might come up with unnecessary reasons for you guys to break up and plan to attack him which is so not okay.

You: “Okay I get that you don’t like him, but I would love for you to try and get along.”

Her: “I think he’s ugly and you shouldn’t date him.”

Well, that’s mean. She called your boyfriend ugly. And yes, you love her, but that’s pretty harsh. You don’t like him because of his looks. You like him because he’s a great guy and has probably proven so multiple times. She needs to take a chill pill right now and understand that you like him for him not his looks. Plus he’s cute to you and that’s all that matters.

You: “I like him for him. I don’t care what he looks like”

Her: “I saw him talking to another girl today. He might be into someone else. I think you should break up with him”

This can be tricky because now your friend is basically telling you that she thinks your BF might be cheating on you. It might seem like you should trust your best friend before your boyfriend but you can’t break up with him just because he was talking to another girl. Boys are allowed to talk to other girls, and you have to trust him. If you break-up with him because he supposedly cheated on you, you will never know the real truth. Talking to him is the key to actually knowing if he is cheating on you. 

You: “I have to talk to my boyfriend about this. Alone.”

This decision should always be up to you about how you handle your relationships. Your BFF can offer advice but she still have to remember this is y-o-u-r love life. 

Have you ever dealt with a friend like this? Share in the comments below.  


by Mallory Walker | 2/1/2016