Besides voting (if you're eligible!), your fave way to stay politically active is...
Every reason you *need* to take a hair risk this year 💇♀️
There's no time like the start of the school year for reinventing your style. If you picture that fateful first day and imagine turning everyone's heads in the hallway, it might be time to take the leap of faith with your locks (with the help of Fun In by Sun In). Click HERE for your new 'do inspo.
Win! Speed of Life
Almost a year after her mom’s death, 14-year-old Sofia is feeling sad and stuck, so she emails an advice columnist—and is amazed when Dear Kate actually answers. Writing in as “CatLover,” Sofia confides more and more, revealing how hurt she is that her dad has started dating again. What neither knows: Dad’s new GF is Dear Kate. Enter to win here!