
Your official guide to getting involved in high school

The school year is starting up in no time, which means it's time to get involved in something new and exciting. Whether this is your freshman year or your senior year, it's always important to branch out. After all, high school is def about trying out for the cheer team and running for student council. Luckily, we have the perfect advice for making the most of your high school experience.

Make a list

Set aside some time around the start of the school year to create a list of things that you want to try out. Write down *anything* that you have to do during the year or any events that are calling your name. To make the list stand out, consider using different colored markers or fun stickers. Once you're finished, post the list somewhere that you see every day so that you can be reminded about what's in store for your future.

Attend a club fair

If your school has some version of a club fair, be sure to participate! Not only are club fairs a great way to meet new people, but they allow you to see *every* club on campus. Be sure to look around at all the booths and see what you might be interested in. If you have any questions about certain organizations, feel free to ask the club's officers that are typically at the booth. Even if you know exactly what clubs you are going to join, it doesn't hurt to see what's available at your school.

Sign up for school-sponsored activities

Take a look at your school's event calendar for the year and find the activities that you're interested in. Getting involved in school events will help you make more friends and enjoy every second of the high school experience. Make sure to attend everything that you can including pep rallies, football games, school dances and formals, talent shows and concerts. The more things that you attend, the more connected that you will be in your school's community. Besides, when do you have the chance to attend homecoming ever again?

Put yourself out there

It can be difficult to get outside of your comfort zone, but trust us when we say that the grass is greener on the other side. Whether that's signing up to sing at the annual talent show or trying out for the basketball team, definitely give it a chance! Although auditions and tryouts are scary (we've all been there), the fear and nerves will be replaced with joy once you get the part. Don't let anything hold you back and try out *everything*. We know that you got this.

Meet new people

With a new school comes a bunch of new people. Whether you're at a club meeting or waiting for your lunch order, talk to the people around you and make new friends. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and try to start conversations with people that are on the same sports teams and classes. Make sure to remember your OG friend group, too (the more the merrier)!

Going into your freshman year? Check out these related posts for more high school advice:
🎒How to decorate your locker like a pro this back-to-school season
🎒10 things *every* student athlete needs to keep in mind this year
🎒How to actually get your life organized this school year

How did your first day of school go? Let us know *all* of the details on Twitter @girlslifemag

All GIFs via Giphy
Slider image: @brat
Top image: @highschoolmusicalseries


by Elizabeth Gregg | 8/23/2022