Tough Stuff

A Friend in Need...

A friend of mine is in an abusive situation. Her parents tell her they hate her, they wish they never had her, etc. I am really scared because she frequently talks about killing herself or running away. Is there any way I can help??
Hey girl,
That’s a totally tough situation. You gotta be there for your friend and find a way to help.
I think you should plan a visit with your friend to your school’s guidance counselor in to discuss this situation. Most likely the guidance counselor will find some way to help your friend. You could also invite her over for sleepovers or do something after school with her so she can get away from it all. Cheer her up by doing some of her fave things!
Offer her a shoulder to cry on and always be there to listen to her probs. You’re a great friend for wanting to help her out. Good luck!!
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1/20/2009 7:00:00 AM