If you know that you'll inevitably cry on your birthday, also know that you are not alone. The birthday blues is a common phenomenon that a lot of girlies face, especially as they get older. Birthday blues manifest in a...
Some of us were just sooo excited to get out on the road when we could finally start learning how to drive. But, there are also those of us who took our time...because tbh, driving is a little intimidating! Okay...
It's officially concert szn, and you've got tix to see all your fave artists this summer. But do the cramped crowds, loud music and long merch lines have you totally stressed out? No sweat—here's some of the best advice from...
We've all had those moments standing in front of a mirror or scrolling through social media when body insecurity creeps in. Tbh, body image can change the whole vibe of your day. The way you view your body can change from...
Friends: They're the best! And sometimes they're...not. Nine times out of ten, we love our besties—but if we're being honest, it's not always fun and laughs when your friends have different priorities. Peer pressure is a very real thing, and it...
Whether your bestie just moved across the country or the adjustment from middle to high school has been rougher than expected, we have news for you: Loneliness is something that everyone (yes, everyone) experiences. In Matt Haig's The Comfort Book...
So...things didn't go the way you wanted them to. Maybe you bombed that chem test you pulled an all-nighter for, or you didn't make the cut for your school's dance team—no matter what, you're feeling pretty down in the dumps...
Let's be real: who *doesn't* embarrass themself from time to time? Tbh, embarrassment is just another one of those universal feelings that make us human. It's totally normal...but still not a very fun experience. Wondering how to feel better when...
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Are you totally crushing on your best friend?
Design your dream house and we'll give you a Barbie movie to watch
What's your next crush move?