I can't make them laugh

I have a problem with my friends at school.  I can’t find a way to entertain them. Other girls always hang out at lunch and laugh and talk, but I can’t keep up. I try to tell jokes I think they will like, but they don’t.

Dear Can’t Make Them Laugh,
You don’t have to be the class clown to be one of the gang.  Forget entertaining the crowd.  Instead of jokes, talk about what happened on the bus.  Maybe you have opinions about Britney’s meltdown of the November election. Friends will value you for remembering to say, “How’d that test go?” or “When’s your audition?” Perhaps you always have a compliment (“Fab jacket!”), an encouraging word (“You’ll be awesome!”) or the right answer (“The meeting is at 3:15”).  There are many ways to be part of the group besides being a chatterbox or stand-up comic.

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For more on Carol Weston, visit her website: carolweston.com.


by Carol Weston | 2/1/2016