I don't want to be a teen!

My birthday is coming up soon and I’ll be turning 13. I’m throwing a party and everything, but I just can’t get excited. I love being a tween! I don’t think I’m ready or the responsibility that comes with being a teenager. I’m worried I’ll have to be serious all the time. Can you help me get excited? 

Growing up can be hard, babe, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun and exciting. Being a kid has it’s perks, but so does being a tween and a teen and an adult! Sure, you might get more chores…but you might also get more allowance. Plus, the older you are, the more people will be willing to give you a job. Hello, shopping spree! And OK, school is getting harder…but you’ll be learning about cool things that will be way-useful in the years to come.

To get excited for your big birthday, you need to start looking forward to all of the things you’ll be able to do as you grow older instead of missing the things you think you’ll be leaving behind.

And from one chica to another, here’s a secret: We never stop being kids. Sure, we might not go to middle school anymore or get away with pinning the naughty things we did on our sibs, but we still have a ball. We can still have a blast at Disney World or opt for skipping instead of walking (Hey, if Kate Middleton can do it, so can we!). Growing up does mean giving up the things you used to love. It means finding more things to embrace.



by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016