Stay cool and shape up!

OK, so we all know hitting the pool is a great way to get toned without breaking a sweat. But, uh, we know everyone doesn’t have an all-access pass to a pool (we don’t!). Here are a couple other ways to tone up, without sweating buckets. 

Get awesome abs in the AC 
Sure it might be a million degrees outside, but you’re about to put down some roots in your living room. Doing a yoga or Pilates DVD in the AC (or with a few fans set up around you) is an awesome way to get yoru bod moving and stay chill. We’re currently digging Exhale: Core Fusion Cardio Pure Intensity by Acacia. The workouts are broken into chunks, so you can take water breaks or wipe your brow in between 10-minute sessions.

Hold a nighttime captain’s practice 
Scour your town to find a soccer or softball field that’s lit up at night (make sure it’s in a safe neighborhood!). Then, get a bunch of your teammates together to work on your skills. Or, vow to become champs at something totally new to you, like Ultimate Frisbee or rugby.

Get your run on in the a.m. 
Don’t groan! Sure, it can be a challenge to roll outta bed early, but then you’ll have your sweat sesh outta the way before the sun is blazing. Take new routes, join a running club or set up a schedule with a bud to ensure you two hit the road (or trails!) on a regular basis. Why not sign up for a July 4th 5K today? Get training, girl!


by GL | 2/1/2016