Your 10 best BTS survival secrets

We asked the experts—YOU!—to share their best rule-the-school secrets. And guess what? You came through in spades. Read on for your 10 best strategies and things to remember so you can rock the halls this year. Go girls!


“Ask the people around you in class to borrow things. It’s the perfect excuse to talk.” – Haleigh B., 12


“My number-one school survival secret is to be confident! The first-day jitters are soo much easier to conquer when you walk those halls like you know what you're doing. Don't forget: confidence always includes a smile.” – Melissa G., 16


“DON’T GOSSIP! It prevents so much drama.” – Alex M., 14


“Definitely to have a lot of different friends from different groups. That way, if none of your besties are around at lunch or in gym, you have a lot people to hang with so you won’t be alone.” – Renee R., 14


“BE PREPARED. Your friends WILL become tired of you asking to borrow pens and paper, (trust me) plus it just makes your day easier.” – Lily C., 12


“Don't let the little things that go wrong get to you. Because if you mess up, chances are, people won't remember your mistakes in a month. And you won't either if you don't dwell on them!” – Erin W., 14


“Do. Your. Homework!!! At my old school I was the only one in the class who did their homework...and also the only one in the class that had a good grade!” – Sarra K., 13


“Class is a lot easier and more fun if the teacher likes you, so try to stay on their good side.” – Katie M., 14


“On getting lost: I went to the 7th grade tour around the school, and I printed out a copy of the map of the school.” – Shae T., 13
“High school is NOTHING like the movies.” – Dani S., 15


What’s YOUR back-to-school survival secret?


by GL | 2/1/2016