Beat the holiday blues

Does this sound familiar? Everyone you know is thrilled to pieces that Christmas is finally here. They’re wrapping presents and baking cookies and hanging mistletoe. But you? Well, you’re a little less than chipper. Whether you’re grieving for the loss of a friend or family member, are totally stressed out by the season itself or are just plain sick of the holiday hullabaloo, the way you’re feeling is totally normal…and pretty common to boot.


While you might not be exactly merry by the morning of the 25th, we’re here to help you snap out of your slump and enjoy the holidays.


Think back

Take ten minutes and consider what the holidays used to be like. When you were a kid, what made you happiest? Maybe it was making ornaments for Mom and Dad or watching Miracle on 34th Street. Maybe you liked licking the bowl when Granny was baking, or you made gingerbread houses with your friends. Pinpoint whatever it was, and see if you can’t relive that experience this year. The nostalgia will do you good, girlie.


Bargain, babe

So your family is the all-or-nothing sort, right? And your friends are so obsessed you have a sneaking suspicion that they’re on Santa’s payroll? Go ahead and make a deal. Tell Mom you’re totally up for a huge holiday feast with the entire family on Christmas…but could Christmas Eve just be a small affair? In the same vein, don’t feel as though you have to accept every invite your friends throw your way. If you loathe carols, skip the caroling party. If overseeing a quiet tree-trimming party is more your thing, arrive bearing a homemade popcorn garland. The holidays are about you, too, and it’s not selfish to let yourself do what you want—remember that, babe!


Great escape

If you can’t take one more minute of holly and jingle bells, go ahead and make your escape. Whether it’s holing up in your room to watch a gory action flick or hitting the bowling ally with like-minded babes, know that you don’t have to spend every waking moment of winter break on Christmas or other celebrations. Who knows? Maybe your escape will become a new tradition.


Do you feel blue around the holidays? How do you ditch the slump?

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016