Clean out your closet...for cash?

Say goodbye to the old, and hello to the new! Turns out, starting your own biz can be as easy as cleaning out your closet.

1)  Take advantage of the two Es—Ebay and Etsy
With your parent’s permission, create an account on Ebay or Etsy. Ebay can be used to sell pretty much anything, from your never-opened flip flops to your slightly-used scarf. Use Etsy if it’s any of the following: a handmade creation (for example, that really cute friendship bracelet you made and decided not to ever wear), or any crafting supplies, like ribbons, or string. To make it more ‘sellable’ and really rake in the cash, here are a few tips:

  • Take a picture of the thing you're selling in a professional or creative manner. Some ideas? Placing white poster board behind your object can really make it pop.
  • Placing items in cool places, like putting your scarf on a tree-branch, can make it stand out against similar items
  • Describe it in a cool way. (Finally, those creative writing skills come in handy!)
  •       Use plenty of adjectives—it’s not just a "shirt," for example, but "a gorgeous, flowy top that goes perfectly with leggings."

2) Swap it to shop it  

Get together with a bunch of friends and have a clothes swap! Not only will it give you an excuse to hang with your besties, but you'll get some cool clothes, like that crop top you’ve been dying to borrow. Sure, you might not be making money, but you'll certainly be saving.


3) Go old-fashioned with it

A yard sale is a super fun and easy way to get rid of those old things stat. First, check with your parents to make sure it’s okay (and see if they have any stuff they want to sell too!). Then grab a group of friends, your siblings, your dog, whoever...and get selling. We’ve found that pulling up a few tables and having a really colorful eye-catching sign will do the trick. Stay out for an hour or three, and watch the cash come flying in.


Have you ever made cash by cleaning out your closet? What's your go-to money maker? Let us know below!  




by Marin Langlieb | 2/1/2016