Tattletale Troubles

I used to be best friends with this girl but as I got older I made some new friends and moved on. She has really strict parents and we would invite her to go out with us but she wouldn't dance and she would just be boring because of her parents.

At school she tags along with us all the time and if one of my friends swears or say something horrible she will tell her mom and she will tell our parents. One day I told her why we don't invite her out to parties with us and she texted her mom telling her, so I got in to trouble. How can I tell her without hurting her feelings that she needs to move on?

Hey girl, this sounds like a very annoying situation to be in. Unfortunately, it seems like this other girl and you are on different wavelengths that probs aren't gonna match up any time soon. I think you have a valid point in wanting to move on.

It might be hard, but you need to keep the other girl's feelings in mind. You don't want this to end badly and with a big fight because that gives her all the reason to turn it around and make you look like a bad person. Also, her feelings could really be hurt by this, so don't talk badly about her or be mean.

Sit her down and have a chat with her one-on-one. Explain to her that you feel like you're always being tattled on and you don't think she's acting like a good friend. Let her know that you want your space from her for a while and that you hope she understands. Try hangin' with a diff group of pals and put a li'l distance in between you guys, while still remaining civil and neutral.

It's also a good idea to keep the communication open with your mom in case her mom calls your mom. It's ok for you to pick and chose your friends at this age and your mom will understand. Explain to her the reasons so she knows they're sincere and not petty or selfish. She'll also be able to give you tips on talking to your friend. Good luck, babe!

-Katie S.

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5/13/2009 7:00:00 AM