What’s this brown stuff?

I just got my period a week ago, but ever since I got it, I started to have brown stuff instead with a bad odor. The first few days I had it, it was normal. Do you know what it is or if it's anything to worry about?


When you get brown blood for the first time it can be a little startling and a little scary. But you've got nothing to worry about!

That brown stuff you're seeing is just "old blood" that's been in your uterus for a while. Kind of gross, I know. It's totally normal, though, especially towards the end of your period. Some periods you won't have any of it, others you might have a lot. It's actually a good thing that your body is flushing out all those old fluids.

If the odor really bothers you or is particularly strong, you can try scented pads or tampons, which will help mask that icky smell.

Jess H.


5/20/2009 7:00:00 AM