To Tell or Not To Tell

I live in a duplex house. Until two or three years ago, my aunt and her kids lived on the other side. All but one cousin was older than me, so he used to babysit me. When he was babysitting, he’d do weird things. Like, I'd ask for a snack, and he’d make me sit on his lap and do stuff to him before he let me have it. I didn’t understand that it was bad then, but now I do. I hate him so much. Should I tell someone? It was so long ago, and it’s not like he actually did anything sexually to me.

-To Tell Or Not To Tell

Hey, girl. This sounds like a pretty serious situation to me. Holding something in like this can really get to you later down the road and it may be harder to share with someone after having kept it a secret for so long. I know it may not be the most comfortable thing to talk about with someone, but I highly suggest that you share this experience with a trusted adult or even a friend.

There are tons of other girls who go through the same thing and don't say a word about it because they are scared or they don't know what to do. Saying something will only make you feel better and less burdened.

If you think it'll be too hard for you to talk about it with someone, then start off by writing about your experience. Getting it out of your system will make it easier for you to actually say it to someone you trust.

All in all, do what is most important: what's comfortable for you. Just remember that you don't have to do everything at once!

<3, Sharon


5/17/2009 7:00:00 AM