Stunning (and safe!) Summer Highlights


"I've been thinking about getting highlights but I'm sort of hesitant. I'm not sure what color to get or if I want to put coloring in my hair. I need advice!"

Summer is a great time to try out highlights, ‘cause hair normally lightens up a bit. But if you're on the fence about it, don't dive in without being totally sure. Lucky for you, we've got all you've ever wanted to know about highlights.

If you wanna get some sunny streaks in your hair, def go to a stylist. Outta the box color can go wrong in so many ways.
When you go in to the salon, your stylist and you will talk about your options and what he or she thinks is the best color highlight for your hair. Then you’ll discuss types of highlights (remember to use the word “natural” to avoid chunky stripes). The experts we’ve talked with said to never go more than two shades lighter than your natural color!
Highlights will last anywhere from three to eight weeks before they start to fade. If you want to continue highlighting, set up another appointment to get your roots touched up. If not, let them grow out.
Not ready to commit?

Just because you're not ready to put real dye in your hair, doesn't mean you can't still get the same highlighted look! Mix half lemon juice, half water in a squirt bottle. When you're going to be out in the sun, spray it throughout your hair. The lemon juice, activated by the sun, will subtly lighten your hair's natural highlights!

-Jess Hofmann


6/13/2009 7:00:00 AM