Just Play-in'?

I was in a play with this guy. At the cast party afterward, we talked and danced. I gave him my phone number, but he didn’t call.

I saw him again, and he flirted with me but still hasn’t called.

Should I give up or stick with it?

DAVE: You might think you want a guy who meets a girl, gets her number and calls immediately, but let me explain why you really don’t. By taking measured steps, this guy is showing that he takes girls seriously. He probably doesn’t want to rush into something without getting to know you better. Are you willing to wait this guy out? If not, time for a new leading…um…guy.

BILL: Let’s put this in perspective. Every time you see this guy, you two click. So, what’s the deal? Why don’t you ask for his number? Don’t give up so easily on a guy you genuinely think is a great person.

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6/28/2009 7:00:00 AM