Tampon tips!?

I can't use a tampon! I've tried and tried, but it just won't work.  I hate getting my period, not only because of the cramps and PMS but because I can't stand pads. They're so annoying to dance in and it ruins vacations because I can't go swimming.

I went on a trip to California with some friends (guys, too!) and it was so embarrassing to explain why I couldn't go in the water. I'm the only one out of all my friends who can't use one. Do you have any tips? Is there something wrong with me?

Hey girl,

There's nada wrong with you. In fact, I can totally relate to you! During my first year of my period, I used pads to avoid the pain of tampons, which I still never liked. Hopefully, the tips I learned from my experience will help you.

The most important thing to do is RELAX! When you’re about to use a tampon and you’re thinking that it’s not going to work, it won’t work. So the next time you attempt to use a tampon, think positively!

You should probably set aside a time for a trial run when you don’t even have your period. This way, there’s no pressure, mess, whatever. You can just focus on getting the tampon in there. Choose a tampon that’s small, or junior-sized since you’re a newbie at this.

Be sure to read the directions. Usually, they have illustrations to go along with them. Study carefully and make sure that you’re doing everything right. Try standing, sitting, and all different positions. Did you push the tampon OUT of the applicator?

If nothing you’re trying works, I would talk to your mom or your doc to see if they have any other suggestions. Asking a friend for tips might help as well.

Good luck!
Jean L.

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9/6/2009 7:00:00 AM