Should I go on a diet?

I've always been a little bigger. I'm not overweight but I'm not skinny. I'm only eleven-years-old and a lot of my clothes don't fit me. 

I've tried so much to get rid of my weight. I even made up my own diet. I play volleyball, basketball, softball and I'm not lazy. I just don't know how to lose the weight. I'd like your help.

Hey girlie, you're not the only one who's totally obsessed with her bod! Remember, at eleven, your bod is going through so many changes, and sometimes it takes a little bit of time to fall into your look. At your age, it's absurd to go on a diet. You're doing the right thing by joining tons of'll keep you active, boost your self-esteem and you'll make lots of friends. I'm sure you're beautiful and perfect just the way you are, but here are some tips to make you feel even better.

The important thing to remember when you eat is...everything in MODERATION. Yep, that means you can eat your fave French fries, just don't have them for lunch five days a week. Since you know WHAT to eat, it’s now time to control HOW MUCH you eat. Let's face it, when the food is really yummy, it isn't easy to restrain yourself. A good way of monitoring portion sizes during meal times is to put an appropriate amount (generally the size of your fist) on your plate, and then put the food away so you don't get tempted to have seconds.

Controlling overeating is not just about portion sizes, but is also about making sure you feel full. Chewing each bite longer and being aware of how fast you eat can really help control how much you eat. And don't forget to ENJOY what you're eating! Another thing? Having meals on a regular schedule will help you stay energized and on track. Make sure not to go over five hours without eating EVER! Have a little healthy snack if you're stuck between meals (apples with a teaspoon of peanut butter, a fiber-filled granola bar or a handful of nuts).

So, take these tips to mind but don't worry so much. I KNOW you're a great, smart, beautiful chica just the way you are. Focus on the insider stuff that makes you those great grades you're getting in French class, how much fun you and your BFF have on Friday night sleepovers and how your crush makes you feel when he smiles at you in the hall. Be happy!

-Jackie E.

THINK YOU'VE GOT A BODY BLUNDER? CLICK HERE to submit your own problem to be answered on Girl Talk!


9/13/2009 7:00:00 AM