My BFF's BF is Creepin'...On Me!

My BFF’s boyfriend creeps me out. When the three of us hang out together, he stares at my chest.

And once, when my best friend left the room, he asked me, “Can I just sit and look at you forever?” It was really weird, so I didn’t tell my best friend.

But eventually I’m afraid he might try to kiss me or something. I don’t want to hurt my friend. What should I do?

BILL: You’re totally right to be creeped out. But I’m not sure keeping silent about it is the best thing. After all, wouldn’t you want to know if your BF were acting this way? I recommend a three-step approach: 1) Tell him, firmly, to keep his opinions and glares to himself, making it very clear to him that his behavior is inappropriate. 2) If he persists, tell your BFF what’s been going on. 3) If he still persists, tell a parent or teacher. Being treated disrespectfully should never be tolerated, no matter who the guy is.

DAVE: It doesn’t matter that it’s your BFF’s BF. He’s a CG (Creepy Guy), and you should take Bill’s advice not to put up with his crude stares and comments. Your BFF might not like what she hears but, in the end, she should appreciate hearing the truth about her misplaced affection. If she’s a true friend, she’ll respect you for being honest with her—that final F in BFF ain’t for nuthin’.

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10/10/2009 7:00:00 AM