I can't stop feeling guilty!

I have this problem with guilt. Since first grade, I randomly feel extremely guilty about something I did in the past, embarrassing moments, etc. It's awful because they just randomly pop up in my head and it takes me a while, from as little as hours to as much as days or even weeks, to stop feeling like such an awful person.

I don't know anyone else this happens to. The only consistency about my guilt issue is that it usually starts up when I'm bored. It's like I can't turn it off! I'm starting to think that this is my form of self-harm. Instead of cutting I'm punishing myself emotionally.

Please help!  I don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling so awful.

-Pleading Guilty

Ugh, guilt is an awful feeling and it can be so self-destructive. But, like with most things, the first step to feeling better is admitting that you have a problem. So, congratulations for taking that first step. Now we’re going to get rid of that guilt!

Bust that boredom! 

You said you start to feel guilty when you’re bored. This makes sense because your brain has nothing to think about except how awful you feel and that’s not cool. The easiest way to fix this prob? Do something constructive.

If you like writing, start penning a short story. If you’re into art, head outside and paint the sunset or colorful fall leaves. Or join an after-school club or sport. The key is to stay busy, busy, busy. The more you have to do, the less time you have to feel guilty.

Get happy...not guilty! 

Next, write down everything you feel guilty about on a piece of paper. Read the list, tear it up into little pieces and then throw it away. Now make a list of all of your great qualities, such as your sense of humor, killer math skills and crazy dance moves. You deserve to feel fabulous about yourself and your guilt is only bringing you down. When you start to feel guilty again, pull out this list and look at how wonderful you are. You go, girl!

Lots of love,

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10/26/2009 7:00:00 AM