I made some mean mistakes

Last year, I made a few really good friends and they're really nice. What I didn't realize during this time, was that I was using them. I was being really cruel in a friendly way.  

It's hard to explain. I still have one good friend who understands me very well. She's the only one that I can really trust from my friends last year. But, two of my friends are so angry with me. One of them texted me something about myself that made me be burst out in tears. How can I make things right again?

Hey girly, sorry to hear about the rough sitch. It’s a shame that you didn’t treat your friends like you think you should have, but on the bright side, you’ve realized your mistakes. Now it’s time to make things right again!

Sorry Sistah

It might sound kinda obvious, but the best thing to do is apologize—and that doesn’t mean just saying the word. Explain how you’re feeling and let your besties know you really mean it. You were wrong, and you know it. So tell them you didn’t treat them right, but everyone makes mistakes (even big ones), and people deserve second chances. Things may not get better right away, but if you show them you’ll treat them right by starting now, they’ll learn to trust you again.

Stick Together

Since you are still super close with your one friend, make sure you stay that way!  Chances are, if the other two see you’re getting along well, they’ll feel more comfortable letting you back in, too.  Also, your friend really understands you, so she can always put in a good word by explaining to them how you feel.

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to make things right with your old buddies. But don’t be afraid to make new friends, too! That way, you can make things right with your old pals while also getting to start fresh with some new friends who’ll make you feel great.

I know it can be tough, but if you work on it, things will be good as new in no time. Good luck!

~Kristen Y. <3

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11/23/2009 7:00:00 AM