I'm Too Skinny!

I’m 13 and only weigh 94 pounds. My mom is thin, so I guess it’s hereditary. Should I eat junk food to plump up?


Since being thin runs in your jeans, um, genes, ask a doc if you should even try to pack on pounds, says Dr. Susan Bartell, author of Dr. Susan’s Girls Only Weight Loss Guide.

If you get the OK, here’s the deal on gaining: Junk food will plump you up, but that stuff lacks nutrients your body needs. To gain weight safely, eat healthful snacks between balanced meals. Nuts are great. Also, splurge on full-fat yogurts, fruit pies, bran muffins and granola bars.

Strength training is another way to add healthy heft. Have a gym teacher show you some resistance exercises, and do them three times a week.


11/29/2009 7:00:00 AM