Foods Packed with Period Relief Ingredients

I heard eating certain foods stops your period from hurting. Is this really true? And if so, what are they?

-Looking for Relief

Hey Looking for Relief!

I wish I could tell you that eating certain foods would eliminate those horrible cramps or the annoying back aches. However, certain foods can cut down on some of the annoying side effects that are caused by your period.

First off, make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during and after your period. Water helps the body flush out waste and maintain its balance. Other benefits of water? It keeps your skin clear and your hair healthy!

Next, try including foods packed with Vitamin B in your diet. Green leafy vegetables, brown rice and berries are great sources of vitamin B.

Finally, try to avoid eating salty snacks at all costs! This means no potato or corn chips, no soda and no canned foods. By reducing salt, you can help control that uncomfortable bloating and those awful cramps.

Good Luck,


1/21/2010 11:00:00 AM