
How to beat blackheads

Those tiny black dots on your nose can be such a pain. You can’t squeeze them and make them disappear, so how do you get them to go away? Check out these quick and affordable solutions that’ll zap them into nonexistence! 


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    DIY Gelatin Mask

    To start, you’ll need a packet of unflavored gelatin mix, which you can get at any grocery store, and milk. Mix the two together using 1-tablespoon of gelatin and 1-½ tablespoons of milk. Then, pop into the microwave for about 15 seconds tops! When finished microwaving, apply the mix with a paintbrush to the desired areas of your face. Wait about 15 minutes before you gently start to peel the mask off with your fingers. Look closely and you’ll see all of the gunk being pulled out of your pores.

    Knox Original Unflavored Gelatine, $10,

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    Scrub it out

    Blackhead scrubs are a great way to get deep down into pores and remove all the bacteria. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you’ll need to be extra gentle and only use when absolutely necessary. First, wet your skin and gently massage the scrub in a circular motion to the areas where you see blackheads. Rinse with warm water, apply a toner to any sensitive areas of your skin, and you’re blackhead-free.

    Garnier Clean + Blackhead Eliminating Scrub, $8,

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    Charcoal mask

    Take the time to give yourself an at home mini facial, lady! Not only is it relaxing, but it will also detox your skin. Charcoal masks are a must-have for skin with blackheads. Start by putting hot water on a washcloth and laying it over your face for 2-3 minutes. This will help open up your pores. Then, dry off your face and apply this facemask to your face and neck. Remember to avoid the areas around your eyes because it’s super sensitive there! Leave on for 5-7 minutes, or until it hardens, and rinse off with warm water.

    Freeman Facial Polishing Mask, $4,

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by Samantha Wilson | 2/1/2016