
How to wear *cute* clip-on earrings if your ears aren’t pierced


No pierced ears? No problem. You can still accessorize any outfit, look fabulous and find your style by adding clip-on earrings to your closet. Finding good clip-on earrings that are stylish (and comfortable) can be tricky, but GL has you covered. 

Simple, but effective.

Clip-On Tiny Hoop Earrings, $15

If you've always wanted a pair of everyday earrings, we found the cutest (and most comfortable) pair! These stainless steal clip-on earrings are handmade and come in silver or gold. They can be styled with any outfit to *instantly* upgrade your look. If you're going for something more minimalist, pair them with a delicate necklace and neutral tee for an effortless, upscale look. 

Stay classy.

Dew Drop Clip-on Hoops in Gold, $38

Upgrade your fave gold hoops with this delicate and timeless hoop/teardop combo from EARA. The sliding spring backs are made for lightweight hoop earrings and have an adjustable spring to fit all ear shapes. Make your confidence shine with the dew drop rhinestone detail that will be sure to make you *sparkle*. 

EARA specializes in comfortable and affordable non-pierced earrings to transform the norm of pierced ears *only*. They offer a wide selection of styles like these citrus-inspired studs and celestial hoops

Make a statement.


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Sun and Moon Clip-On Earrings, $24

Who said anyone without pierced ears *can't* be bold? These sun and moon clay earrings are the perf accesorry for the gal that's up all day or all night. 

Klaudia's Jewelry Box makes handmade polymer clay earrings in a wide variety of colors, shapes and styles. All earrings have hypoallergenic and clip-on options.

Ear cuffs FTW. 

Pearl Ear Cuff, $20

Get the look of multiple piercings without any at all! We *love* this gold-plated pearl ear cuff from en route. Who loves it even more? The queen of style — Best Dressed.

Ear cuffs come in a variety of styles, they're very adjustable and they're the most versatile. You can easily adjust your ear cuff by pinching the sides together until the fit is snug.  

Make your own clip-on earrings!

If your fave pair of earrings are for pierced ears only, you can easily convert your earrings to clip-ons. All you'll need are clip-on earring converters like these.

If you're feeling crafty and little more bold, you can permanently convert normal statement earrings into clip-ons through a conversion process in the tutorial above. 

Show us your fave clip-on earring looks by tagging us on IG @girlslifemag!


by Allie Lijewski | 10/24/2020