In the News

Teens Today Are Just as Sunny as Previous Generations

Your ‘rents didn’t exactly have to deal with Facebook drama and wondering what the heck to text back to a certain cutie, but it turns out that you girlies are just as happy as the folks who grew up back in the day.

A recent study found teens today rank their self-esteem basically the same way as kids 30 years ago, according to an article on Yahoo! News. And even though the Millennial Generation was given the icky nickname “Generation Me,” the research showed teens really aren’t more egotistical than their predecessors.

So, why is there all the commotion about “kids these days” and supposedly being super self-involved? The article suspects that grown-ups don’t exactly remember what it’s like to be a teen. What do you think? Are your peers consumed with their lives or are they concerned with making a diff in the world?

Blog it out!


by Katie Abbondanza | 2/1/2016