Rad Reads

We'd swap shoes with these book characters any day

Do you ever wish you could just switch places with someone else? It seems like characters in books have the most exciting lives ever. They’re always going on some kind of awesome adventure, after all. So if we could swap shoes with any fictional character, just for one day, these are the ones it simply would just have to be.

If you could trade places with any character from a book, which one would it be? Share in the comments below.

  • 1princessforhire.jpg

    Princess for Hire’s Desi 

    Who wouldn’t wanna be a princess? After Desi is discovered by a royalty agency, she’s offered the opportunity to be a substitute princess. We know we would LOVE to be in her shoes.

    Get it here!

  • 2secretshollywoodlife.jpg

    Secrets of My Hollywood Life’s Kaitlin 

    Kaitlin is one of the most popular celebs. She’s beautiful and rich. Who wouldn’t wanna experience that for a day?

    Get it here!

  • 3matilida.jpg

    Matilda’s Matilda 

    Matilda’s psychic powers are what make her one of the characters we would switch places with. Oh, the things we would do!

    Get it here!

  • 4annafrenchkiss.jpg

    Anna and the French Kiss’ Anna

    Boarding school in Paris? Anna isn’t too excited about the idea, but we sure would be. A year in abroad is like a dream come true.

    Get it here!

  • 5redblazergirls.jpg

    The Red Blazer Girls’ Sophie

    Wouldn’t you wanna know what it’s like to be a detective? We would def crack codes with Sophie’s friends for the day if we got the chance.

    Get it here!


by Allie Fick | 2/1/2016