Survey Says

A quiz for anyone


CHECK IT OUT! Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own GL girls! Tally up your points, share them in the comments and don’t forget to submit your own below!

17 Ways 2 Tell If a Guy's Interested...

1. Talks To You
2. Eye Contact
3. Walks With You
4. He Sits Down Next To You
5. Plays With His Hair
6. Stares At You
7. Changes Convo When Talking About His Crush
8. Tries To Impress You
9. Tries To Make You Laugh
10. Calls You Pretty, Hawt, Cute, etc...
11. Makes Excuses To Talk or Walk With You
12. Smiles or Gets Lost In Your Eyes When Talking or Walking With You
13. Compliments You or Notices When You Wear Something New
14. Holds The Door Open For You
15. Hugs You
16. If He's Walking With You and You Slow Down, He Waits For You
17. Demands or Tries To Grab Your Attention

0-2 Wants Nothing To Do With You
3-4 Just Friends
5-6 Possibly Interested
7-9 Interested
10-11 Small Crush
12-15 Crushing Hard
16-17 In Love


GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Submit it by clicking the blue button above

by GL reader | 2/1/2016