Survey Says

SURVEY SAYS: A Quiz for Anyone

Crush quiz

1. What's your crush's first name? Erick

2. What do you like about him? EVERYTHING! He’s hot, smart, cute, funny... need i continue?

3. How long have you known him? Since 3rd grade.... we're in 7th now.

4. Has he had other girlfriends but never you? YES! I get so jealous! OMG he's had like 5 in the past 3 yrs. and I get so depressed!

5. Does he text/aim/email you a lot? YES! omg he aim's me everyday! I mean everyday! Sometimes our conversations last a hr. or 2!

6. Is he older than you? Yes by 5 3/4 months but we're still in the same grade.

7. Are you going to ask him out this week? Maybe I think I will cuz we have a dance coming up!

8. How old is he? 13

9. How old are you? 12

10. What’s your crush's last name? Begins w/ S!

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it to Jiae at, with the words Survey Says in the subject line, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that? 
11/3/2008 7:01:00 AM