Survey Says

A Quiz for Anyone!

1. What is your favorite color? Greeen!
2. If a genie came to you with three wishes, what would they be? Hm...BFF's with the Jonas Brothers, Louis Vuitton purse I want for Christmas, and mosquito nets for everyone in Africa that needs one
3. Quick! Pick one! Goth, preppy or sporty? Prepp-ay all the waaay!
4. What is your favorite beauty product? Hm...moisturizing face wash
5. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 30, just counted
6. What is your favorite food? Dinner rolls or anything made out of bread
7. Quick! Pick another one! Texting, AIM or talking on the phone? AIM
8. Favorite flavor of toothpaste? Vanilla...yum!
9. Glasses or braces? Both, but glasses only for when I sit in the back of class, and braces off in 2 months!
10. Dream job and dream place to live? Singer who lives in L.A.

Lots o' Loveee,
Cameron <3 aka frappuccinofreak <3 
12/19/2008 7:00:00 AM