Your Bod

Help me bust white bumps around my mouth

I have these white things and bumps around my mouth, and I have no idea what they are. Help!
Hey girlie! Having white bumps around your mouth is actually a pretty common thing. It’s called milia. It’s not an infection or anything; it’s just a little cyst.
It’s typically caused by things you put in and around your lips (Think: lip-gloss and greasy heavy foundation or cover-up). Bacteria can get trapped inside your oil glands, forming these little white cysts. A good skin-cleansing routine and a deep-cleaning facial mask or two should wipe these out. If they aren’t disappearing despite your best efforts, your doctor or dermatologist can remove them.
To prevent milia from coming back, the easiest thing to do is to exfoliate your skin. Wash your face every morning and every night to remove excess dirt and oil. To ditch old skin and the last traces of bacteria and daily grime, you can use an exfoliating cleanser, cleansing pads or a washcloth soaked in warm water. Rub gently using the pads of your fingers, then rinse. Tada!

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by Jessica Wiggs | 2/1/2016