Brush, Gargle, Rinse

I have a gross white coating all over the top of my tongue. I've used mouthwash, but it won't go away. How do I get rid of it?

Tongues are actually kind of furry. Well, not furry, but our taste buds are like little soft nubbies, called papillae. In between the papillae are grooves where food and bacteria can collect, turning your tongue white and your breath icky (bleck). The odor occurs because bacteria produce sulfur compounds, explains Dr. Jennifer Jablow, a New York cosmetic dentist.

Luckily, the problem is easy to solve: Brush your tongue. When you brush your teeth, also gently scrub your tongue with a dab of toothpaste. Drink lots of water to wash away food particles, and eat fewer sticky, soft foods, like Twinkies. Opt instead for high-fiber goodies that don't stick, like veggies. If you need a quick fix, chew sugarless gum after meals. Chewing causes your mouth to produce saliva, and saliva is a natural cleanser that washes away that yucko white stuff. 


4/16/2009 5:32:00 PM