Scary School Sitch

My friend has gotten sexually assaulted online via AIM by this boy from our school. He has sent her graphic IMs, videos, etc. Once he asked her for a picture and she gave him one since she was scared.

Now that I know the story I am trying to convince her to report him to someone but she won't listen. She's told her parents about a few of the less sexual IMs but they don't know about the video when he undressed and well...

Girls at our school have gotten expelled for doing such things and so have guys. Is there any way to report this boy without getting my friend expelled?


Hey babe,

It must be really tough for you to not be able to tell everything since you fear that your friend will get kicked out. I'm sorry that your friend has to suffer like this. But, it's now up to you to protect your friend from this boy who has harassed her. This is a really tough sitch, but you can def help your pal out.

Please tell a trusted teacher,and/or your parents the whole story. This may be tough but the boy who harassed your friend MUST be punished for what he did. Your friend will not get expelled if she didn't say or show anything sexual online. If anything, the boy who harassed her will get expelled.

When your friend tells her story, make sure she tells the whole truth. Also, get a trusted teacher or your parents to help you talk to your friend's parents about what really happend. She may be upsetbut in the end, she will be thankful that you helped her.

Online harrasment is against the law and your friend has a legal right to report this. A few years back, a young girl named Megan Mier was harassed on MySpace and was ridiculed. She later committed suicide because of this harrasment. Since you care about your friend, wouldn't you want her to be safe from people who want to hurt her online?

Since your pal is going through so much, suggest that she should talk to a trusted teacher, counselor and even open up to her parents. When she's able to talk out her fears and frustrations, she will be able to deal with this situation better. I wish you and your friend a lot of luck. I hope that your friend and you will pull through this horrible ordeal.

Sherryn D.

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5/14/2009 7:00:00 AM