Rad Reads

Snag vacay inspiration from The Summer My Life Began

Elizabeth Margaret’s life has been laid out for her from the very beginning—valedictorian, Harvard and then working at her dad’s law firm after graduating.  But lately she’s been feeling a little indifferent.  Elizabeth Margaret’s real passion is in cooking, but her parents don’t approve. When she receives a letter from her long lost Aunt Tilly, inviting her down to the Outer Banks for the summer, Elizabeth Margaret doesn’t hesitate. 


The idea of it is refreshing, relaxing and new compared to her same old formal life. But something smells fishy about her family’s reaction.  How come she never knew she had an aunt? Why were her mother and grandmother acting so secretive and cold about it? When she arrives, those questions become just two pieces of a whole web of secrets she soon discovers. 


As Elizabeth Margaret sets off on a life-changing adventure, she discovers who she really is (in more ways than one), rethinks her future, explores her dreams and falls for a cute guy she never dreamed of.  Now that’s a girl with spunk! 


Be sure to pick up a copy of The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland when it releases May 10. It’s a book for girls who simply want inspiration to find themselves and follow their dreams.


What’s your biggest hope for this summer? Blog about it, babes.

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by Channa Rifkin | 2/1/2016