Rad Reads

The Blogtastic! series is back...and we've got tips to post like a pro!

After Gossip from the Girls’ Room and Rumors from the Boys’ Room, our favorite middle school blogger, Sofia Becker, is back on the scene in Secrets from the Sleeping Bag—the next novel in the Blogtastic! series.

Middle school can seem rough, especially when you’re not at the top of the social pyramid. That’s why there’s one thing sixth grader Sofia Becker wants more than anything: to be the most popular girl at Middlebrooke Middle School.

In a bid to make that happen, Sofia sets out to create the most blogtastic blog ever. And in it, she’s dishing all of Middlebrooke Middle School’s juiciest gossip. Of course, spilling secrets and spreading rumors can be a very messy business…

Follow Sofia in the Blogtastic! series as she learns the do’s and don'ts of blogging, navigating the social scene and making her way through middle school.

Gossip From the Girls' Room: A Blogtastic! Novel
In the first novel of the series, we meet Sofia Becker. A sixth grader at Middlebrooke Middle school, Sofia wants to be popular like Mia St. Claire. Sofia’s plan to make it happen? Create a blog where she posts all the juicy gossip she hears in the girls’ room. To do this, Sophia creates a pre-blogging notebook and writes down everything she hears in the girls’ room—a technique that soon causes her some major probs.

Rumors from the Boys' Room: A Blogtastic! Novel
In Rumors from the Boys’ Room, Sofia is back—but with a twist. She’s learned her lesson about the dangers of spreading false gossip, so this time around she’s out to use her blogging powers for good. Sofia’s setting the record straight on all the rumors she hears—but this time, she’s broadcasting from the boys’ room.

Secrets from the Sleeping Bag: A Blogtastic! Novel
Our favorite middle school blogger is headed to summer sleep-away camp and she’s taking her trusty little pre-blogging notebook with her. Follow Sofia as she shares her summer full of s’mores, secrets and boys.

How To Run Your Very Own Blogtastic Blog
Through a lot of dedication, Sofia’s blog becomes super successful—and yours can, too! Want tips on how to run a totally awesome blog? We’ve got ‘em.

  1. Blog about something you love. No one wants to feel like running a blog is homework, so make sure your blog focuses closely on something you are totally into. Whether you’re talking fashion or dishing DIY tips, if you’re passionate about it, it’ll show.
  2. Come up with a fun name. Choose something super cute and clever that’ll be easy for people to remember.  
  3. Spread the word. Tell your mom, your BFF, your BFF’s big sister, the girls on the soccer team. Basically, tell everyone. The only way to get people reading is to let them know your blog exists.
  4. Update it. Don’t abandon your blog after only one or two posts. If you want word to spread, keep your blog updated and active.
  5. Link it. Tweet about your blog. Post a status update on Facebook about what you’re writing about. This will help spread the word and, once you’ve got a steady audience, you can use these tools to keep everyone updated on all the cool stuff going on with your blog.

Run a blog? Share your tips and URL in the comments below!

Want to check out Middlebrooke Middle School’s coolest blogger? CLICK HERE to pick up Rose Cooper’s Blogtastic! series today!
by GL | 2/1/2016