
GLs Ultimate Countdown to Class: Rev Up and Rock Out

Summer’s almost over, but you’ve still got a few more weeks to make the most of it and start the new year off right!
Beat the last minute back-to-school frenzy with our must-do guide before break’s over. GL’s got tips and trick to get you ready to hit the halls and bring your “A” game.
T-minus 6 days…
Rev Up and Rock Out
Dreading the walk to school? Can’t get out of bed? Update your iPod now with back-to-school playlists that you can blast on those slow mornings. Put a fun spin on getting up early – the louder and livelier, the better!
And you don’t have to stop there. Make yourself a playlist of all your favorite study jams. Whether you need something loud and peppy to keep you awake through math or something smooth and classical that won’t distract you while you’re reading through history texts, music can help you focus on your work or can be great for a mini dance break between biology and English, if you need it!
CLICK HERE for more day-by-day deets to get you set for your best year ever!  


by GL | 2/1/2016